
Farsight enclave fire warriors
Farsight enclave fire warriors

The tabletop T'au army is perhaps the shootiest in the game. Compared to the rest of 40K though, this is normal, or even better than the rest of the factions.

farsight enclave fire warriors

Throw in the fact that the Ethereals are suspected of Mind Control as well as the notion of a race rigidly divided into castes, and you have a classic Crapsaccharine World. This leads many to label the T'au the "good guys" of 40K, which is true to some extent-the T'au will at least offer you a chance to surrender before dragging you into the fold by force, and will only put you into concentration camps if it's for the Greater Good. Many humans also fall prey to the promises of T'au technology and a society less transparently brutal than the Imperium. The barbaric Kroot, a species of bird-like aliens that seek evolutionary upgrades by feeding on their enemies, were an early success, and the insectoid Vespid have been brought into the fold as well, along with several other races. However, it is the philosophy of the Greater Good that is the T'au's most dangerous creation, as they actively try to recruit other races into their empire. The T'au have embraced technology in a way the Adeptus Mechanicus deems blasphemous, and even their basic infantry are armed with energy weapons the envy of Imperial soldiers, while their elite warriors wear flying battlesuits that can lay waste to entire squads. The T'au are known for two things: their advanced technology, and their Greater Good.

Farsight enclave fire warriors